

A circular economy approach to protect our environment

Considering the circular economy is critical to sustainability in technology

At Smart CT, we care about the environment and want it protected for future generations.

The significant carbon emissions created when manufacturing technology hardware means we need to do more once technology has been deployed.

Smart CT offer Collection, Recycling, Repair and EOSL Maintenance services for technology hardware.

Sustain • services

End of Service Life

GoSmart Collection

Repair Services

Recycling & WEEE Disposal

Customer satisfaction

If you want to work with a smart partner who will underpin and support your IT services, trust Smart CT. We operate transparently and get regular feedback from our customers through three separate surveys; a bi-annual survey, field engineering survey after an engineer has visited a site, and a final survey when a ticket has been closed. A full breakdown of these results are below for you to download.
0 %
Bi-Annual Survey
How likely are you to recommend Smart CT to a friend or colleague?
0 %
Field Engineer Survey
How was your overall service?
0 %
Closed Ticket Survey
How did we do?

Why choose Smart CT?

Smart is having highly trained technicians who are experts at repairs and environmental recycling.
Smart is having over 25,000 spare parts ready to keep your technology connected, no matter the age.
Smart is having a comprehensives ESG programmes and ISO 140001 Environmental accredited

Our Sustain services

We offer a range of specialist services to not only help your technology last longer, but also to help reduce your environmental impact. We believe in a circular economy and offer a range of sustainable services. Our collection, repair, recycle and EOSL maintenance services mean your customers are supported through the entire IT lifecycle.

GoSmart Collection service, for when you are planning an office move or relocating hardware, we can ensure devices are collected and safely delivered to their new location.

Recycling and WEEE disposal service helps curb environmental damage and allows technology to be securely and suitably recycled.

Repair Services to troubleshoot, diagnose and repair products down to circuit board level to help maximise the lifespan of your IT assets.

EOSL maintenance services, you’ll be able to trust that we have the spare part and highly trained engineer ready when you need them.

Latest news • Sustain

If your call is either outside of Smart CT core business hours (08:00 – 18:00 Mon- Fri) or on a UK Public/Bank Holiday

Then please call us on +44 (0) 808 164 3618 to log or escalate a call.

Main Contact