Hardware Asset Management (HAM) explained

Hardware Asset Management (HAM) explained

Managing IT hardware effectively is essential for maintaining operational efficiency, controlling costs and supporting sustainability goals. With increasing pressure to maximise resources and minimise waste, having the right processes in place can make all the difference. That’s where hardware asset management (HAM) comes in. In this article, we’ll explore what hardware asset management is and the benefits it brings.

What is a hardware asset

The term ‘hardware asset’ refers to the tangible assets of a computer system, including those in use, in storage and any support equipment from an organisation. Hardware assets are normally grouped into four categories:

1. Peripherals: This is the support equipment found throughout a modern office. This includes scanners, printers, monitors, keyboards, cables etc.

2. End-user devices: This refers to any company hardware used directly by employees in their daily work including computers, tablets, smart phones and SIM cards.

3. Data centre equipment: This describes all the hardware that allows data centres to function efficiently which includes servers, utilities and security devices.

4. Network/telecom hardware: This is support equipment which helps to facilitate digital communication. This includes routers and telephone and video conferencing systems.

What is hardware asset management

Hardware asset management is the process of tracking and managing physical IT equipment including laptops, screens, servers, and routers etc throughout their lifecycle. It provides essential information about inventory, usage and lifecycle stages, helping to control costs, guide purchasing, track IT inventory and prepare for audits.

As part of the broader IT asset management (ITAM) framework, HAM works alongside other ITAM and ITIL processes. By implementing effective HAM practices, businesses can save time and streamline tasks like ordering, deploying, maintaining and retiring hardware.

The hardware asset management lifecycle

Hardware asset management covers the whole service life of a hardware asset. The lifecycle is put into five stages:

1. Request

This includes the purchase of an asset from an organisation. These purchases are made after understanding the requirements, making projections, comparing alternatives and validating the purchase.

2. Deploy

After the asset is purchased it is installed. During this stage, the asset is checked for any defects, design problems, compatibility issues and if its been configured correctly. At the end of this stage, the asset is deployed for its intended purpose.

3. Monitor

Constant use of an asset may lead to the asset breaking down or becoming slow. These issues can be avoided with proper upkeep and care, such as regular patching and updates. This stage also involves the monitoring of the assets’ performance to ensure peak performance.

4. Support

This stage of support helps to extend the working life of a hardware asset. On top of maintenance, hardware upgrades are made to keep the asset compliant and compatible with any other assets as the IT environment evolves.

5. Disposal

Once an asset has come to its end of life, it must be disposed of. However, before an asset can be disposed of, its place in an organisation must be reviewed and addressed so that its removal doesn’t create any adverse effects. Once an asset reaches this stage, hardware asset management makes it easy to make decisions about replacing old assets.

Why is hardware asset management important

The purpose of hardware asset management is to record and update asset data to maximise ROI, minimise risks and correctly log the value and how useful IT assets are. Here are a few ways in which HAM is important and can benefit organisations:

Saves costs

Due to the service and maintenance stage of the asset lifecycle, organisations can save money. This is because the chances of failure and downtime drop significantly as hardware is cared for. Hardware asset management processes also help to make it known when it’s time to dispose of an asset, saving a lot of maintenance costs

Improves asset utilisation

Hardware asset management helps make the most of assets by leveraging underutilised hardware. It’s possible to use existing hardware rather than new which can be costly. HAM’s best practices and organised maintenance also help to ensure employees are using company equipment properly and are getting the most use out of it.

Better IT inventory control

The process of hardware asset management will give a clear picture of your hardware assets, this will result in you having better control over your IT inventory. Hardware asset management also allows you to monitor up to date hardware inventory information for ongoing maintenance.

Improved loss prevention

Keeping a catalogue of all company hardware makes it easier to track equipment and identify if anything is missing. Asset tagging, assigning ownership and tracking the asset’s location gives organisations the information needed to alleviate risks.

Increased security

Effective hardware asset management provides a complete list of all hardware assets. This allows security teams to create complete coverage strategies, whilst also identifying assets that may be vulnerable to threats.

How Smart CT can help

At Smart CT, we offer solutions to help businesses manage their IT assets effectively, ensuring they get the most value from their technology. With our asset management services, we assist companies in tracking, maintaining and and optimising both physical and virtual IT equipment across its lifecycle. This helps organisations to reduce waste, costs and enhance operational efficiency. If you want to find out more about our asset management services, get in contact with us today.

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